To help church and community members with limited monetary assistance, eliminate hunger through dissemination of food boxes/bag lunches to the homeless, and provide monetary support to three higher education institutions.
Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement needs volunteers to teach programs on financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship to school age youth. We have upcoming opportunities available and we will train all volunteers. This is an excellent outreach opportunity for individuals or ministry groups. For additional information, please contact Amanda Griffin at agriffin@jacarolinas.org or 704.563.4862.
We need 12 volunteers on April 10,11, and/or 12th:
Time: 10:00 to 1:30
Location: Junior Achievement, 1701 North Graham Street, Charlotte, NC 28206
We need an additional 16-32 volunteers on Friday, April 12th:
Time: 9:00 to 11:30
Location: Collinswood Language Academy, 4000 Applegate Rd., Charlotte, NC 28209
Room in the Inn:
This weekend we will be hosting 14 women overnight this Saturday, March 23rd for our last Room in the Inn of the winter season. We are in need of volunteers to assist with dinner service, breakfast preparation/service, and breakdown. If you are unavailable this weekend, we could still use donations of snacks and breakfast items (precooked sausage & bacon, fruit bowl/tray, juice). Please email winta.brehane@ymcacharlotte.org if you are interested in donating or sign up to volunteer here: https://ymcacharlotte.volunteermatters.org/project-catalog/278
Volunteer Flag Football/Cheer Coach:
Calling all football and cheer fans! We will be kicking off our Flag Football and Cheer programs in April and are in need of volunteer coaches for both of our teams. Please check out the following link for more information: https://ymcacharlotte.volunteermatters.org/project-catalog/233
Level Up:
SRY will begin hosting our free teen nights aka Level Up on the LAST Saturday of each month beginning this month (3/30). To volunteer please click here: https://ymcacharlotte.volunteermatters.org/project-catalog/42
Digital Literacy:
The YMCA is partnering with Queens University to offer a digital literacy class to our older adults in our community. Volunteers will be helping seniors become more confident and skilled going online to find health information, share health experiences and receive support. Click here to sign up: https://ymcacharlotte.volunteermatters.org/project-catalog/278